The Cascade Fisheries Board of Directors and staff meet throughout the year. We welcome public attendance at these meetings. For more information contact Jason Lundgren, Executive Director at (509) 476-3444

2023 Board Retreat - Columbia River

2022 board retreat - Wenatchee River Watershed


2018 Board Retreat - Stehekin, WA

Hover over the photos to learn more about our board!

Chris is recently retired and lives in Leavenworth WA. She has been involved in fisheries resource management, both as a program manager with the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, as their Region 2 Habitat Program Manager and with Washington State…

Chris is recently retired and lives in Leavenworth WA. She has been involved in fisheries resource management, both as a program manager with the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, as their Region 2 Habitat Program Manager and with Washington State Parks, as their Eastern Region Capital Program Manager, developing fish-friendly park developments in Eastern WA. She is excited about serving on the Board of Directors and supporting improvements to fish habitat for all native fisheries in our region.

Ken currently works for Washington Department of Natural Resources as the Statewide Forest Landowner Assistance Fish and Wildlife Biologist. He has worked in natural resources since 1981, and earned his M.S. in Biology at Central Washington Universi…

Ken currently works for Washington Department of Natural Resources as the Statewide Forest Landowner Assistance Fish and Wildlife Biologist. He has worked in natural resources since 1981, and earned his M.S. in Biology at Central Washington University, and his B.S. in Forestry and Wildlife from Virgina Tech. Lifelong naturalist, fisherman, and hunter. He is known throughout the Columbia Basin for his odd sense of humor and gravely singing voice, both of which are routinely on display at local salmon festivals and celebrations.

Jennifer retired from a career as the Methow Valley District Fisheries Biologist for the US Forest Service from 1992 until 2007 and with the Bureau of Reclamation as the Methow Subbasin Liaison from 2007 until 2019 .   During her career she was able to survey habitat and fish distribution in the Methow River and tributary streams, rivers and alpine lakes.  She worked on a multitude of fish passage projects, miles of habitat restoration work and helped to improve instream flow conditions in the Methow Watershed.  Jennifer loves fishing for trout in high mountain lakes, skiing, gardening, painting and spending time with her husband and their 3 grandsons.  

Alli is a project manager with Trout Unlimited’s Washington Water Project. She earned her M.S. in Biology at Fort Hays State University and B.S. in Earth Sciences at Montana State University, she has worked in fisheries conservation and management throughout The West. Alli is excited to bring her experience and passion to the Cascade Fisheries Board.  


Chris Parsons - President

Member since 2020


Ken Bevis - Vice President

Member since 2009


Jennifer Molesworth - Secretary

Member since 2023


Alli Pardis - tREASURER

Member since 2022

Phil Archibald most recently worked as a Fisheries Biologist for the Entiat and Chelan Ranger Districts in the Wenatchee National Forest, and held this position from 1992 through 2010. He is an aquatic and riparian specialist for watershed analyses,…

Phil Archibald most recently worked as a Fisheries Biologist for the Entiat and Chelan Ranger Districts in the Wenatchee National Forest, and held this position from 1992 through 2010. He is an aquatic and riparian specialist for watershed analyses, and is a charter member of the Entiat Watershed Planning Group Technical Assistance Committee. Phil performed biological assessments for ESA-listed species like bull trout, steelhead, and spring run Chinook, and has provided interpretive education for local elementary and high school students.

Bobbi Johnson is a faculty member at Wenatchee Valley College where she teaches courses in biology and natural resources. Bobbi earned a bachelor's degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences from South Dakota State University. While working on her degree Bobbi conducted a study that evaluated the application of genetic tools to map invasive grass carp. After graduating she headed west to Washington State University to study a much more charismatic group of fish – salmon. Her doctoral work used ancient DNA to develop a genetic profile of Chinook salmon in the Columbia River pre-European contact. Bobbi now lives in Wenatchee with her husband and daughter. She is grateful to call this valley her home, and is excited to be in service to the mission of Cascade Fisheries as a member of the board. 


Phil Archibald

board emeritus

Member since 2011


Bobbi Johnson

Member since 2023

Mark Kacmarcik is a registered professional engineer living in Wenatchee. Mark has worked for more than 14 years as a geotechnical engineer involved in design and construction of a wide variety of civil works projects. Mark’s primary area of special…

Mark Kacmarcik is a registered professional engineer living in Wenatchee. Mark has worked for more than 14 years as a geotechnical engineer involved in design and construction of a wide variety of civil works projects. Mark’s primary area of specialization is the geotechnical design of river related projects, including modifications to dams and levees, stream restoration, fish passage, and mine reclamation. Mark earned his Bachelor’s and degree in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2004, and his Master’s Degree in Geotechnical Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2005. In his spare time, Mark enjoys whitewater kayaking, wilderness canoe tripping, backcountry skiing, trail running, and mountain biking.

Greg is currently working for the Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation in Twisp, WA. He has 27 years of forested ecosystem management and restoration experience with the US Forest Service including 7 years of experience managing irrigation ditch specia…

Greg is currently working for the Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation in Twisp, WA. He has 27 years of forested ecosystem management and restoration experience with the US Forest Service including 7 years of experience managing irrigation ditch special use permits associated with streams containing three ESA listed species. More recently, Greg has 6 years of experience working for the Bureau of Reclamation as the Methow Subbasin Liaison. In this capacity, he managed the ESA listed species habitat restoration program for Reclamation in the Methow Subbasin.

Elisa Lopez’s passion for the outdoors started at a young age, collecting lady bugs on Stemilt Hill in Wenatchee. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Zoology at WSU and ignited her passion for caring for the environment studying in Panama. Elisa is now the Engagement Manager at the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust where she creates opportunities for our community to gather and connect to the CDLT land conservation mission. Elisa joined the board in December of 2023 and is excited to help people help fish.

Originally from Chicago, I have made Washington my home for over 40 years. Being a fisheries biologist, I have worked on various issues within the Columbia River Basin. From working on issues related to fish passage at mainstem hydroelectric dams to ensuring habitat rehabilitation projects are scientifically sound. I live on the river; fishing, rafting, and rehabilitating. I am retiring and look forward to assisting Cascade Fisheries on their journey to increase functioning habitat for salmon and other species.

I am a Washington State native and raised and live in Wenatchee WA where I have an intense love for the outdoors. I enjoy getting outside and skiing, hiking, camping, fishing, and mountain biking. I graduated from Eastern Washington University with a bachelor’s degree in environmental biology and a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning. I am currently the Senior Biologist and Consultant Manager for Washington State Department of Transportation. 


Mark kacmarcik

Member since 2016


Greg Knott

board emeritus

Member since 2009


Elisa Lopez

Member Since 2023


Chuck Peven

Member since 2022


Matt Wisen

Member since 2023