Habitat Restoration Guides

Humans shaped the landscape to fit a diverse set of needs. Yet, some of the changes that were carried out to benefit people have reduced the quantity and quality of habitat available for fish, resulting in declines in fish populations. Many factors contributed to these declines, which began more than a century ago before the connection between healthy rivers and forests and healthy fish populations were broadly understood. Today we have a better understanding of the role healthy rivers and forests play in maintaining sustainable fisheries and this is being put to use to benefit our salmon populations.

The Following guides highlight work being done to recover imperiled Spring Chinook, steelhead, bull trout, and Pacific lamprey

Guías de Restauración del Hábitat

Los humanos han dado forma al paisaje para adaptarse a un conjunto de necesidades diversas. Sin embargo, algunos de los cambios que fueron llevados a cabo para beneficiar a las personas, provocaron una reduccíon de la cantidad y la calidad del hábitat disponible para los peces, generando una disminución de su población. Muchos factores han contribuido con esta reducción, que empezó hace más de un siglo antes de fuese comprendida ampliamente la conexión entre los ríos, bosques sanos, y poblaciones saludables de peces. Hoy tenemos una mejor comprensión del papel que juegan los ríos y bosques saludables en el mantenimiento de criaderos de peces sostenibles y esto se está utilizando para beneficiar a nuestras poblaciones de salmón.

Las siguientes guías destacan el trabajo que se está realizando para recuperar el Chinook de Primavera, la steelhead de verano, la trucha toro y la lamprea del Pacífico en peligro


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Lamprey are eel-like animals and members of a small group of jawless fish. As a species, lamprey are more than 400 million years old, making them among the most ancient vertebrate species on Earth. The Pacific lamprey populations have declined dramatically throughout the Upper Columbia region since the late 1800’s. A widespread effort to restore these populations and the habitat on which they depend is underway. This guide summarizes lamprey life history and habitat needs and outlines best management practices and restoration techniques that benefit lamprey.

View/download Pacific Lamprey Restoration Guide


Over the past century, salmon runs in the Columbia River Basin have declined to drastically low levels. Several populations have gone extinct, and many others have been listed as threatened or endangered. Habitat restoration and protection actions are underway to assist the recovery of listed fish populations. This guide outlines common habitat factors that limit growth and survival of fish, and offers potential actions to address these limitations.

View/download Methow River Habitat Restoration Guide